Commercialization is critical to success. A good idea must be introduced, sold and mainstreamed. Just like launching a rocket, the amount of effort to get an idea off the ground, may consume 80 to 90% of your resources.

Sometimes you just have to leap! We are not recommending anything dangerous, but when you are launching a new product or are in the start-up phase, you are going to have to take risks. Our experience can help you navigate through the minefield of business start-up, so that you can spend your time doing what you do best. Download our Value of Value e-paper.

The Value of Value PDF

Commercialization Partners over the years have included:


  • Brand Management Calgary
  • Brand Management Calgary
  • Brand Management Calgary
  • Brand Management Calgary
  • Brand Management Calgary

Launching a Product?

Consideration must be given to a multitude of variables including:

  • Geo-market
  • Competitors and competitive reaction
  • Disruptors
  • Marketing and sales budgets and activities
  • Profit and profit curve
  • Production, service and delivery
  • Intellectual property
  • Redundancy
  • Product obsolescence
  • Channel marketing or distribution
  • Customer mix
  • B2B, B2C, B2P
  • Compensation
  • Image management and messaging
  • Marketing and sales activities

Not every product will be an Apple, but you can be an Apple within your own market. It just takes good business sense and street smarts.

Launching a Company?

A strong foundation and a good plan is required. Factors include:

  • Board make-up: governance, leadership or advisory
  • Go to market strategy
  • CAPEX and OPEX requirements
  • Ownership structure
  • IP
  • Management structure
  • Global market requirements
  • Financial and operating plans
  • Infrastructure requirements
  • Rewarding performance
  • Valuation of your business
  • Liquidity events

Remember above all else, that if you don’t have a sale, you don’t have a business. Just because you have a great idea, doesn’t mean that the world will adapt.

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A One Stop Resource for Starting Your Business or Commercializing a New Offering – Customers, Revenue, Image and Beyond

Do you have an invention you need to get to market? We can find you customers. Need cash? We can connect you. Need to convince someone? We can polish you. Want to go global? We understand world markets. Whether it is a full strategic plan, or just a second set of eyes, we can help.

Over the last 15 years we have helped numerous start-up organizations generate over 8 billion dollars in revenue. In some cases from launch, in other cases helping them get moving.

Brand Management Calgary

Calgary Brand Management and Business Consultings

Welcome to The Method Effect, where we specialize in Brand Management Calgary and Calgary Business Consulting. We understand that taking your ideas and turning them into successful ventures can be like launching a rocket. It requires careful planning, strategy, and an appetite for calculated risks.

Brand Management Solutions

Your brand is your identity, and we offer strategic solutions to ensure your brand resonates with your audience. From creating a compelling brand message to managing your image effectively, our expertise in Strategic Brand Management will set you on the path to brand success.

Calgary Business Consulting

Commercialization is critical to success, especially for startups and new product launches. It's a journey that can consume a significant portion of your resources. Our experienced consultants help you navigate the complexities of business start-up, allowing you to focus on what you do best. We've been partners in launching products and companies, and our experience can be your guiding light.

  • Launching a Product?

    We consider a multitude of variables, including your target market, competitors, marketing strategies, production, intellectual property, and more. Not every product will become the next Apple, but with sound business sense and street smarts, you can carve your niche in the market.

  • Launching a Company?

    A strong foundation and a well-thought-out plan are essential for new companies. We help you with board governance, go-to-market strategies, financial planning, and more. We understand that without sales, there's no business, and we're here to guide you through the journey.

Interested in Grants and Funding?

We can connect you to opportunities that can fuel your business growth. Whether you need a comprehensive strategic plan or a second set of eyes, we have the expertise to assist you.

Unlock Your Business's Full Potential With Our Comprehensive Sales And Leadership Strategies. Our Services Include Sales Coaching, Training and Strategy, Business Strategic Planning, Leadership & Management Training, Brand Management, Executive Coaching and Popular Training Programs.

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